Since the Middle ages, from the venetian dialect, Brodetto is a kind of fish soup: at the beginning it was a poor meal, made only with ghiozzo, or paganello, a species very easy to fish. Later the recipe was enriched.
Today the original De.Co. recipe specifies to use only fish from the central Adriatic Sea (at least 13 different types of fish) and all the ingredients must be local. It is the typical recipe of Porto San Giorgio’s maritime tradition.
Amandovolo has become Porto San Giorgio’s traditional dessert. Fragrant and crunchy, rectangular, made with eggs, almonds and covered by dark chocolate and hazelnut grains. It is a typical Christmas cake, but tourists buy it throughout all the year. During the 40s, the pastry chef Luigi Gaviorno moving from Tourin to Porto San Giorgio, opened his bakery “Pasticceria Torinese” making Amandovolo – called even Amandovulo – the city’s traditional sweet.